马耒西亚卫生部注册名称: 宝恒混合大豆蛋白与麦芽糖糊精
- 主要原料是发酵大豆蛋白,麦芽糖糊精,经生物科技技术制造出来的营养保健食品。.
- 宝恒纳豆一盒的包装有60粒。
- 半个月食用期。
- 宝恒纳豆里的 酶,肽,菌金是超级营养的金三角组合。
大豆多肽是一种功能性蛋白质。它具有分子小,活性高,穿透力强,不需消化直接被 100%吸收的特点。这对于消化能力差,营养缺乏,身体虚弱多病者有着重要意义。
Registered name at Ministry of Health of Malaysia: Baoheng mixed soy protein and maltose dextrin
- The main ingredients are fermented soy protein and maltose dextrin, a nutritional health food manufactured by biotechnology.
- A box of Baoheng natto has 60 capsules.
- Half a month consumption period.
- The enzymes, peptides, and bacteriophages in Baohang Natto are the golden triangle for nutrition.
The unique effect of nattokinase is its ability to dissolve fibrin and prevent blood clots. It is considered the nemesis of cardiovascular diseases and the savior of strokes.
Nattobacterium is suitable for human intestinal. It can quickly form an anaerobic environment ideal for gastrointestinal probiotic growth and regulate the intestinal micro-ecological balance. It is known as the first probiotic for human beings.
Soybean peptide is a kind of functional protein. It has the characteristics of small molecules, high activity, strong penetration, and 100% absorption without digestion. This is important for people with poor digestive ability, lack of nutrition, and weak.
Baoheng natto retains all the nutrients of natto. It contains 6 major enzymes, 19 kinds of small molecule peptides, 22 kinds of trace elements, 3-5 billion beneficial bacteria per gram, and hundreds of active substances.
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